Why should I start a blog? Why a new blog? Many people asks these questions, before starting a blog. And I am also no exception. Why I am starting this blog? Runjun Blog is my personal blog. But to make it enjoyable to my readers, I will try posting interesting stuffs along with my personal views.
I hope that you will find my blog interesting. Feel free to leave your comments and suggestions.
~Happy Blogging~
- So, Why I need a Blog?
- Why this Blog?
I hope that you will find my blog interesting. Feel free to leave your comments and suggestions.
~Happy Blogging~
This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship or paid posts. It means, compensations may be accepted to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though I receive compensation for some posts, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. For questions about this blog, please contact: runjunmoney at gmail dot com.
m new to blogging...and this just is whats goin on in my mind too...m nt at all gud at(i could understand it by d blogging dat i hv done) it but thn i love 2 experiment everythn in life...ur blog has really inspired me..thnx a ton..:)keep blogging...
We would much appreciate if you could link to jamesallen.com in return for the use of our copy right ring image placed on your website.
If you could anchor the phrase engagement rings and link that to http://www.jamesallen.com that would be appreciated.
I am so sorry about the image. But unfortunately, I can't post a link to your website with that anchor text. So, the image has been removed now.
Note to all: If you have copyright issues, don't hesitate to tell me. I would love to remove your images a soon as possible.
I’ve been enjoying your blog lately. Your blogs certainly provides some interesting health information.
I wanted to share some information with you on Apples. While people are aware of the general health benefits of apples, very few know that eating apples can also help prevent memory loss as shown by new research conducted by the University of Massachusetts Lowell.
Our company represents Washington Apples in India. We do not sell or import these apples. Our mandate is only to make consumers aware of the nutrition benefits of Apples.
We'd like to send you the research information along with some Washington apples for you to enjoy. Blog or not, we would appreciate your feedback. Please let us know where to send them.
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